Sr. Fernanda Riva was born on 17th April, 1920 in Monza, Italy. Nd She was the fourth and youngest child. She was barely three months old when her father died at the early age of 33. Fernanda was a model student in School, intelligent, modest ans and sweet in her ways. As a teenager she attended the Oratorio of the Canossian Daughter of Charity and participated in various activities. She an excelled in Catechism, Throwball, Drama and in sharing fun and joy ing through her acting skills. She cultivated an intense spiritual life and in The fact she succeeded in attracting several of her friends to attend Sunday School. She succeeded brilliantly in her studies and though she would have liked to pursue higher studies at the University, because of the financial constraints of her family she preferred to work as a Salesgirl. An She studied privately, completing a Higher Secondary Course. Fernanda entered the Missionary Institute of the Canossian Sisters nd in Vimercate, Milan, on 19th March 1939. Seeing that she had a balanced personality and was prepared spiritually, she was sent some months later to India. She continued her Novitiate in Belgaum. She was an exemplary Novice in the fulfillment of her duties especially in the practice of obedience, charity and humility. In 1954, she was transferred to St. Joseph College, Alleppey, Kerala. Sr. Fernanda was much loved and appreciated by the Staff and students of the College. She gave them her individual attention and by her sweet ways, united them all into one, big family. At a very young age due to her ill health she suffered much. Yet not a word of complaint escaped from her lips. She remained calm, serene prayerful and concerned only for others. She joyfully welcomed death. She was fully conscious till the end which came in the early hours of 22nd January 1956. She was 35 years of age. She was buried in St. Michael’s cemetery, Mahim. Her mortal remains are placed in the chapel of St. Joseph’s Convent, Alleppey. She was declared ‘Venerable’ on 28th June, 2012 Let us pray for the cause of her Canonization.