Bakhita was born in the region of Sudan, Africa in 1869. As a little girl, this African flower, knew the anguish of slavery and kidnapping. She was stolen by slave-traders and cruelly tortured. In this traumatic experience the little girl, could not remember her name and was named BAKHITA which means ‘The Lucky One.’ After being sold and resold, she was finally bought by an exc Italian Consul. For the first time now Bakhita experienced being the loved and cared for, as a person. At her insistent request, she fa went with the Italian Consul, to Italy. There she was given as a present to a couple that had a little daughter. Through them she came to know the Canossian Sisters in Venice, she asked to be baptized. Later, she offered herself totally to God as a Canossian Sister. Simple and humble, she was full of love for God and I neighbour. On 8th February 1947, she breathed her last at the age of 78, in Italy. She was declared a Saint on 1st October, 2000. By Pope John Paul II, who gave her the title “Universal Sister”. Bakhita is revered as a Saint. She became holy by doing every little thing with great love for God and for her neighbour. She was always cheerful and smiling, even when afflicted with arthritis. She did not harbour resentment against her Captors. In fact, she prayed ardently for them and thanked God that through her kidnapping, they had brought her into the Catholic faith. Let us pray through her intercession for whatever graces we may be in need of. St. Josephine Bakhita was declared as the Patron of the victims of ‘HUMAN TRAFFICKING’ by Pope Francis on 22nd January, 2015 St. Magdalene of Canossa – Pray for us